Make your mark for Christ

You can make your own mark in this world for the Lord. No one else in seven billion people on earth right now not a one is just like you. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God Psalm 139:14, 17.
You have your own private set of fingerprints and your own toe prints, footprints to. With your own uniqueness- make your mark in life plain and a statement for JESUS! I can’t make your statement and you can’s make mine. Our own statements are to glorify Jesus. Isn’t that neat?

You can make other people happy up to a point but they have to have their own relationship with Christ to make it completely a statement from them. What are you leaving behind for others to follow? I hope my children will follow me as I have followed Jesus-minus my mistakes. Paul said : “Follow me as I follow Christ” that wasn’t said in arrogance that was good advice, Paul had already learned his lesson about fighting against Jesus.

I want my whole family and me, being a channel for Jesus to flow through, to reach others in this world. You, Lord are welcome to use us any time day or night as individuals or as a family. That’s my heart’s desire.

God had a purpose in mind for you when you were born. Find It! You have a destiny in Christ fill it! He will help you fulfill it. Without faith in Him you cannot fulfill it alone. Be honest with yourself and God, without Him you cannot make or find the right steps to take. Surrender all of yourself to Him. Let Him light your way through life. What a wonderful journey you will have. A beautiful end to your life. A statement having been made about HIM and for HIM from your life. Be the best you can be every day you live! Jesus gave no less than His best when He lived and died on earth. When you get to Heaven you will be so glad to see the ones there that you won to the Lord. Some may be there you didn’t know you had any influence on.
Marie Moates