Jesus planned a future with you in it.
Jesus said, I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. John 14:2,3. Why would He have done that if you were not invited to go there?
He didn’t.
He planned a future with you and me in it. Why would you disappoint Jesus and refuse to go? That’s why He came to earth, died on the cross, so He could give you a future in eternity. Without His dying, you would have no eternal future with Jesus. You and everybody else would still be lost in sin with no hope in the end of life! Jesus wants every human being on earth to be saved and be in Heaven with Him forever. That’s how much Jesus loves you and everyone on earth. He died for that reason, no matter who they are if they are human beings Jesus says they are worth saving. Jesus is not willing for any to perish. The Lord is not slack concerning his promise… not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance II Peter 3:9. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16.You and your loved ones, your family, is included in these two verses you can put any one’s name there that you wish. Jesus wants us All.
I know Jesus is soon coming and everyday I live on this earth I want my life to count for Him. Get to know Him for who He is, you will love Him and like His company.
The day after I wrote this I had a dream that night. In my dream I knew this was the day Jesus was coming. I was outside looking up with great expectancy for HIM to appear in the sky. Other people were out looking up for Him. We were excited with anticipation for HIS coming. As I was waking up I remembered what I had just dreamed and thought it strange for I have never had a dream like this before. I didn’t know whether to be sad or glad that Jesus didn’t get here yet as I felt it was that day- for His coming in my dream.
Knowing your faith, living your faith, sharing your faith so you can have other people following Jesus to as you show them the way to Him. Think big as you work for Jesus. You CAN do great things for Jesus and His cause to give everyone eternal life. Jesus is not short in power. He died that everybody can have eternal life with Jesus if they so choose and we who know Him are to tell the ones who do not know Him how to get to Him. Are we doing our job in these last days?
Look in the Book. Jesus is who He says He is: The Lamb, The Coming Messiah, Savior, Lord and King. Jesus is the Living Word in this world today the One we look to for salvation even in these troubled, hopeless looking times.
Those people in the Bible stories were real people with a real future just as you and I are. They had hurts, lived everyday lives and had trials just as we do. We’ll all be in Heaven together.
Jesus makes a purposeful path for me to learn what I need to know on the journey. If life is not going today as I planned– God is not punishing me– He is showing me another path for me to get to where I am going. Be willing to learn from that path without being mad.
You mean Jesus on purpose prepared that road with all those spiritual, hurtful bumps, uncomfortable holes in the road as I travel? Jesus did that so I could learn spiritual lessons to add to my testimony to help others be better people for the Lord on their journey. Jesus did that on purpose? YES!!!
What was learned when Daniel went through the lion’s den? The lion’s den certainly wasn’t on Daniel’s agenda for that day and night but God prepared the dungeon (a trial for Daniel) and what was accomplished by it?
The king declared Daniel’s God a God to be worshipped. God gained some converts from it. Purpose of the path through lion’s den = souls saved and Daniel also learned for himself God would take care of him, in adverse situations when Daniel had no control. The situation was completely out of his hands AND in God’s hands. The LORD is thy keeper Psalm 121:5. For God is my defense. Psalm 59:17. We find those times of situations out of hand in our own lives even now. God is always in control in our lives if we let HIM be.
David and Goliath: reason for the fight – God’s people were put in control, not the enemy in charge anymore. Things changed for God’s people in God’s victory that day.
What was first smell Jesus smelled when He arrived on earth? Was it animal poop in the stable where He was born?
What was first sound Jesus heard? Sheep’s baa, perhaps?
What was first touch Jesus felt? A loving, caring mother’s touch.
Jesus lived a real human life in reality just as you and I do. So what are we complaining about if life isn’t what we expected or hoped for today? Trials ARE a real part of life. Can’t get through life without some, –everybody has them.
God is not looking for a perfect human-being but an available, teachable one. Jesus was a carpenter He knows how to build things making them fit together properly. Are you willing?
Jesus planned HIS future with you in it. Will you accept His offer? If you want to be in Jesus’ future and He in yours. Invite Him into your life. He will accept. Walk with you for the rest of your life. What a fun trip with Jesus in it! I can smile, I can laugh and enjoy by friends Jesus has given to me. Thank the Lord for my friends along this way from earth to Heaven. Jesus has given me friends to walk with me, love me, laugh with me, encourage me. what a grand journey Jesus prepared. Jesus is in my future and I love knowing that He is.
Marie Moates